Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Mama Turtle

My boys and I spent the better part of our Monday at the ENT doctor.  Luke has been waking during the night and acts like he's in pain.  When I say acts like he's in pain, he yells, thrashes, cries and seriously makes me want to bang my head against the wall.  We love, pat, give ibuprofen and  bring him to our bed hoping for the best.  We're on day 4 of this new found hope and I'm tired.  His ears are fine (he had tubes put in a few weeks ago) and seems to be a healthy little boy. Praise the Lord but the child needs to sleep.  Period. 

As I was pulling into the driveway, I noticed movement in our front yard.  I parked, unbuckled Sam (Luke was snoozing) and we went to see what was happening.  We crept up on a HUGE slider turtle.  She was digging a hole to lay her eggs.  We live about 150 yards from  Fort Loudon Lake, so we see turtles and other creatures on a regular basis.  This sweet mama had made her way, up a long hill to our yard and decided it was the perfect place to put her babies. This was an amazing thing to witness and a perfect learning opportunity for Sam.  I took a video because I had no idea what was happening at first. I sent the video to David and he explained what she was doing.  This mama was on a mission, our presence didn't interfere with her determination. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Inaugural Post

Welcome to The Adventures of a Stay at Home Mom.  I'm Amy, a Jesus Follower, and I have the blessing and privilege to stay home with my two boys.  Sam is 4 and Luke is 16 months.  I'm married to David, the man God put on earth just for me. We knew before we married that I would stay home once we had children.  We would make every sacrifice possible to make it work.  This "job" is all I've ever dreamed and  much more work than I ever imagined. So, join me in my adventure of raising two boys and loving my man. It's a sweet, simple life.